After learning about the SAMR model twice now, I have come to really appreciate the way that it presents the use of technology in classrooms.

It is nice that this method has acknowledged that just substituting technology into regular activities has no real function. There are no obvious benefits and it can possibly be distracting. The idea that introducing technology to a classroom should be adding something to the learning is important. Don’t just add technology for the sake of adding it.

This model also shows how much deeper technology can take you. It even goes as far as to talk about redefining learning through technology. I really like how it clearly shows steps that enhance the learning in deeper and different ways. This would be really helpful if you found a new technology you were interested in trying as you would be able to clearly find a way to include it that would be most beneficial to student learning.

In the workshop we went to in Multiliteracies also talked about another model: TPACK.

Image result for tpack

I found this model useful for getting a more comprehensive overview of how technology should fit in and be just as important as pedagogy and content. It also includes the idea of context which I think is really important. You need to know what students you’re working with and what their abilities and resources are before you can plan properly to include technology in your classroom.

I think it was valuable to have these two models introduced together as they play off each other nicely. The SAMR model is more in detail about using technology in specific lessons or situations where as the TPACK model is an overview that could be used for unit or year planning. Im glad to have had the chance to consider these models as they have put technology in the classroom in perspective.